Friday 22nd March, 2024

Dear friends in Christ,

On April 1st, Archdeacon Jay Koyle will become the incumbent of St. Luke’s Cathedral and the Dean of Algoma. We wish him and the members of our Cathedral church every blessing in this new season in their community of faith and assure them of our prayers.

A service and celebration of this new ministry will be held later in the spring to which you are all invited.

Because of Archdeacon Jay’s changing role in the Diocese, he will no longer be serving as the Executive Officer for Algoma. That role will go to Canon Jane Mesich, and she would appreciate your prayers as she assumes these new responsibilities. She will be attending the National Executive Officers Conference and representing Algoma in Regina this April.

We have set up a new email account for all matters related to the office of Executive Officer which will be monitored by Canon Jane and Liz Hamel on a daily basis. They will ensure that your request gets to the appropriate person for a response.

The new email address is

Archdeacon Jay will continue to be responsible for all matters related to Postulancy in Algoma, including chairing the Postulancy Committee, his interactions with the Pastoral Chaplains, and preparing candidates for ACPO. He will continue his work in updating the Lay Readers Manual and the ReStorying the Church, which a number of parishes are involved in. Archdeacon Jay has also offered to field any questions related to liturgy for which we are most grateful.

Jay can be reached at and from April 1st at St. Luke’s Cathedral at (705) 254-7144.

As we continue to serve Algoma, this communication is being sent out so that you are aware of who to call/email/ or reach out to should you have a particular question or concern.

Liz Hamel – Archbishop’s Administrative Assistant until May 10th, 2024:  Appointments and parish visits; Executive Committee planning; Communications through the website; Letters of Appointment; Clergy retreat; Safe Church.

Jane Mesich – Executive Officer and Treasurer:  Finances including Budget, Trust Funds, Administration and Finance Committee; Insurance; Property; Financial aspects of new incumbencies.

Jennifer Baron – Assistant Treasurer:  Payroll; EOP; Parish Returns; Charitable Status.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate this new time in our diocese and ask that you be mindful that everyone is working at capacity and will return your calls or emails as soon as they are able.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you as we enter Holy Week,

