Prayers for Doreen Stadnyk
Dear friends,
Doreen Stadnyk asks that her diocesan family hold her in prayers. She had a bad fall last week and is recovering in Sault Area Hospital with a broken arm and some other injuries. I was able to see her yesterday to visit and pray with her. I found her to be in very good spirits. Doreen expects to be in hospital for a little while as rehabilitation is required.
If you would like to send a greeting card to Doreen please mail it to her, care of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 352 Northern Ave E, SSM On. P6B 4J1
Gracious and loving God we give thanks and praise for the healing that Doreen has already received. Continue your gracious work in her through the gift of medicine, the care of doctors, nurses and support staff, the love of family and the prayers of the faithful. Give Doreen the gift of patience and hope amidst her pain that in quietness and trust she may find her rest in you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you pray-ers.