Archbishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the following appointments across the Diocese of Algoma:

The Ven. Linda White, as part-time Interim Incumbent of Trillium Anglican Parish (St. Mary’s-Powassan and St. Peter’s-Callander) effective January 1, 2021.

The Rev. Raymond Knight, as Priest-in-Charge of the Parishes of Emmaus and Christ Church, Sault Ste. Marie effective February 1, 2021.  This arrangement has come into place following discussions and discernment between Rev. Raymond and the wardens.  The parishes will share Rev. Raymond’s time at 50% ministry respectively.  Emmaus continues with their concurrence process in search of a full-time Incumbent.

The Rev. Valerie Paterson, as part-time Deacon Incumbent of Northern Lights Parish (St. James-Cobalt and St. Paul and St. John-Haileybury) commencing February 15th, 2021.  Rev. Valerie was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in September 2020.

The Rev. Grahame Stap, as part-time Interim Incumbent of St. John the Divine, North Bay, commencing February 15th, 2021.  The Rev. Grant Churcher remains in his role as Honourary Assistant of the parish and will continue to share in a Sunday service schedule with Rev. Grahame.

The Rev. Jonathan Blanchard, as Incumbent of the Parishes of St. Thomas (Thunder Bay) and West Thunder Bay effective April 1, 2021.  This appointment represents a new ministry model which is being undertaken by the two parishes, each sharing Rev. Jonathan’s time at 50% ministry respectively.  The arrangement has come to pass following the collective discernment between the parishes and Rev. Jonathan and discussions with the Archdeacon and Archbishop.

We uphold these individuals and parishes in prayer as they undertake these new ministries together.