Archbishop Anne Germond and the entire Diocese of Algoma wish to acknowledge the last official day of ministry (May 31st) for the Venerable Dawn Henderson, Archdeacon of Muskoka and Incumbent at All Saints’, Huntsville.  Although this day concludes Dawn’s ministry as Incumbent and Archdeacon, her passion and gifts will certainly be sought in other areas of God’s vineyard.  This next stage in her life will provide her with a time of discernment and the opportunity to see where God may be leading her in ministry.

One of Archdeacon Dawn’s many gifts is her love of music and singing. Her beautiful voice has brought joy to many people in difficult and in hopeful moments of their lives. We echo the words of the Psalmist and pray that we, like Archdeacon Dawn will:  “Shout with joy to the Lord; lift up our voices, rejoice and sing.” (Ps.98)

Archdeacon Dawn began ministry in the Diocese in 1990 as Assistant Curate at Holy Trinity (Sault Ste. Marie); 1991-2002 – she was Incumbent at Christ Church (North Bay); 1997 – Regional Dean for Temiskaming; 2002-2019 – Incumbent at All Saints’ (Huntsville); 2005 – Regional Dean for Muskoka; 2007-2019 – Archdeacon for Muskoka.

Archbishop Anne has honoured Dawn with the title of Archdeacon Emeritus.

A celebration of Dawn’s ministry was held at All Saints’ on May 23rd.  Many parishioners and friends joined Dawn to honour her ministry and wish her well in the days ahead.

Pictures below are from the gathering and are provided by Don McCormick.