Prayers of the People – The Great Fifty Days of Easter, 2017
It is recommended that the response to the biddings in the Prayers of the People be sung.
For the 2nd to 4th Sundays of Easter, the response can be sung to the Alleluia introduction of the tune ‘Victory’ (the tune typically used for “The Strife is O’er”). It is #212 in Common Praise (1998), and #163 in the “old blue hymn book” (1938). (Victory is #468 in the 1971 Hymn Book, but does not include the introductory acclamation.) If the response for these Sundays is said rather than sung, the ‘Alleluia’ should be omitted.
A simple, accessible music setting of the response for Easter 1, and Easter 5 until Pentecost has been provided on this website.
It is recommended that only the response for the Prayers of the People be printed in the worship leaflet or provided in PowerPoint slides.
Intercessors should prepare for The Prayers of the People well before the Liturgy to ensure any particular names or places to be included are identified. Even if there is no one is baptized or engaging in an intentional renewal of baptism (including Confirmation, or Reception into the Anglican Communion) in your
congregation during the Paschal Triduum or the Season of Easter, you are encouraged to pray for the newly baptized and those renewing their baptismal promises. For these occasions will be celebrated throughout the Diocese and around the globe during this holy time.
Download: Worship Resources – Prayers of the People (Easter A – 2017) (docx)
Download: Worship Resources – Prayers of the People (Easter A – 2017) (pdf)